Permanent exhibitions
The Nobel Museum in Karlskoga is situated in a beautiful, culture-filled environment right next to Björkborn Manor. The museum has several permanent displays which offer visitors a unique historical insight into the history surrounding Alfred Nobel, Bofors and Björkborn.
Björkborn Manor
Visitors are invited to view a reconstruction of Alfred’s last home on Swedish soil, including his fascinating library, his plaster-of-paris death-mask, medals and other private possessions.
Alfred Nobel’s Laboratory
Alfred Nobel built his laboratory here in 1895. Today visitors can view a reconstruction of this laboratory which includes many original pieces of equipment, both from his research facilities in San Remo and Björkborn. Visitors can also find out about Alfred’s various discoveries and about his industrial exploits.
Bofors Industrial Museum
If you have a passion for industrial history, we can thoroughly recommend a visit to the Bofors Industrial Museum. Spanning a period of some 350 years, visitors can see how the original ironworks grew into an industrial giant by the end of the 1900s.
In a separate exhibition based at the museum, visitors can find out about the famous Bofors 40-mm anti-aircraft gun which, amongst other things, helped to defend London during the Second World War.
How Alfred Nobel’s dream came true – a new exhibition